Settings ======== In `pycps/settings.json` you can specify values specific to your project. The file is basically a JSON file, with some comments. Paths ----- You should define several paths: * data_path: The root directory for the downloaded data * dd_path: the directory that will hold the downloaded data dictionaries * dd_store: path to an HDFStore for the data dictionary * monthly_path: subdirectory for monthly files * monthly_store: path to an HDFStore for the monthly files * merged_store: path to the final HDFStore, containing the merged files. Paths can extend other paths by refering to the parent in curly braces. In this example, ``dd_path`` extends ``data_path``: { "data_path": "data/", "dd_path": "{data_path}/data_dictionaries/", } I haven't implemented escaping yet, which means you can't use curly braces in your path names; they can only refer to parents. File an issue if this is a problem for you. Dates ----- You should also define the months of data you need for your project. * date_start: YYYY-MM string with the first month to download * date_end: YYYY-MM string with the last month to download All months between ``date_start`` and ``date_end``, inclusive, will be downloaded and parsed. Example ------- Here's an example settings file: .. code-block:: rst { "data_path": "data", "dd_path": "{data_path}/data_dictionaries/", "dd_store": "{dd_path}/dds.hdf", "monthly_path": "{data_path}/monthly/", "monthly_store": "{monthly_path}/monthly.hdf", "merged_store": "{monthly_path}/merged.hdf", "date_start": "1995-09", "date_end": "2014-05", "info_path": "pycps/info.json" }